Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 15:00 - 16:00

Yasunori Kagoike, Former Head of Moritomo Gakuen

Junko Kagoike, Former Deputy Head of Moritomo Gakuen

"Protesting Judgement after Conviction in Moritomo Gakuen Fraud Trial"

(The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation)


Yasunori Kagoike, the former head of Moritomo Gakuen, has been sentenced to five years in jail for defrauding the government of subsidies. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's wife was once the honorary prinicipal of Moritomo Gakuen, which was given a massive discount for use of land in Osaka. Kagoike's wife, Junko, was given a three-year suspended term for related charges.

Kagoike was unhappy with the handling of his case by prosecutors and believes that his human rights have been violated. He will come to the Club to explain his position and how he feels justice has not been served.

Doors open for TV crews only at 14:30, all others at 14:45. Please reserve in advance, 3211-3161 or on the website (still & TV cameras inclusive). Reservations and cancellations are not complete without confirmation. Livestreaming of press conferences are available on our website (

*Due to space restrictions, please note there will be a limited number of reservations to attend. FCCJ members, including TV cameras, will have priority for the reservation and seating/setting positions and one TV camera for affiliate networks. 会場の都合上、参加人数には上限がございます。ご予約と当日のお席/TVカメラのセッティングポジションにつきましてもFCCJの会員が優先されること、テレビは系列1社1台となりますので、ご了承ください。

Professional Activities Committee


                Junko Kagoike                                                    Yasunori Kagoike