"American seeks sanctions against Japan if his children aren't returned under the Hague Convention"

Jack Stone, American father

15:00-16:00 Thursday, May 19, 2022
Language: The speech and Q & A will be in English.

American father Jack Stone's torturous legal battle to regain custody of his children continues and he has a further hearing at the Sendai Family Court on May 17. Stone has threatened to go on a hunger strike if the results go against him. He will come to the Club two days after the hearing. 

Stone has submitted countless documents that he believes show that Japan is ignoring the Hague Convention and will be seeking an order under the Convention to have his children returned. Stone says, "I have three years of my child repeating that he doesn't speak Japanese, doesn't want to be in Japan and wants to go back to the U.S." Stone is also demanding that the United States sanctions Japan under the Goldman Act.

Parents in similar situations have received support from Japanese politicians and NGOs and both foreign and Japanese media have started to cover the issue.

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Professional Activities Committee