
Much Ado about Nothingness: Essays on Nishida and Tanabe
James W. Heisig Chisokudo
Cutting Back: My Apprenticeship in the Gardens of Kyoto
Leslie Buck Timber Press

Selling Women: Prostitution, Markets, and the Household in Early Modern Japan
Amy Stanley;
Matthew H. Sommer (fwd.)
University of California Press
Kibo wo Furu Shikisha : Gergiev to Haran no Russia
希望を振る指揮者 : ゲルギエフと波乱のロシア
Kazuo Kobayashi
Kamakura Shunjusha
Gift from Kazuo Kobayashi
Peak Japan : the End of Great Ambitions
Brad Glosserman
Georgetown University Press
Gift from Brad Glosserman
Suiunshi kara sekai no mizu e: Speeches on Water
Issues 水運史から世界の水へ : Speeches on Water Issues
Crown Prince Naruhito
NHK Publishing
A Social History of the Ise Shrines: Divine Capital Mark Teeuwen;
John Breen
Bloomsbury Academic