Kayo Hiraki’s New York Trio
Kayo Hiraki, pianist/vocalist, is one of the few Japanese jazz musicians established on New York City's jazz scene, where she plays with some of the best musicians in the world. After playing a session with her, the legendary bassist Ron Carter said: "Rarely have I heard a musician as gifted as Ms. Hiraki. To hear her play is to experience the joy of her creative ability and the depth of her experience as a talented performer."  A child prodigy, Kayo attended Kunitachi Music College and won recognition in Japan as a composer, arranger and performer before taking on the Big Apple. Check samples of her luminous music at her web site: http://www.kayojazzpiano.com. She has released 6 CDs representing her unique interpretation of jazz standards and original compositions. Kayo is a Steinway piano artist and is a Grammy voting member.
And remember, it's FREE. No cover charge. No music charge. You just can’t beat SNL for an exciting, entertaining night out in Tokyo.

The Saturday Night Live Committee

Coming Up!

June 29     NO SNL
July 6       Felix Sonnyboy
July 13      NO SNL
July 20      Yutaka Hokura (Country)